Cat's Eyes - Review

24/05/2013 18:39

Author - Stephen Leather

A short Story taken from the "Short Fuses" release all by Stephen Leather


"Cat's Eyes" is a story of a woman who has lost her way, in Thailand, and has opted to work in a pole dancers club at night.

After a man who for the course of the story goes by the name Roger, beds her in a hotel room, she decides to tell the story of how she came to be in the club in the first place...through a tragic tale of how she lost her family.

this is a very small story again, lasting only 13 pages, however it kept us interested way more than other shorts that we have tried out recently.

There may be more reviews of 'Leather's' work on the horizon at BlogDangerous, but for now however, "Cat's Eyes" receives a well deserved (considering length of tale)

6/10 Blogger Points

Not too shabby



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