20 Years of Jurassic Park!

13/06/2013 16:34

As you keen dino-fans may or may not be aware, this month, June 2013 sees the 20th Anniversary of the release of Jurassic Park in the cinema. Not only was it a Best selling novel by the late Michael Crichton, but it was at the time, the highest grossing Movie of all time too. 20 years ago marked a very special time in our childhood, and with that, we thought it only right that we celebrate this awesome story of Prehistoric carnage, by offering up some reviews and discussions... soooo .... Throughout the course of the next few days we will be posting reviews on "Jurassic Park - by Michael Crichton", "Jurassic Park, as directed by Steven Spielberg", and also posting a blog on the memories of a boyhood with Dinosaurs. Stay tuned folks, and feel free to comment on your favourite memories of this epic tale, or is that tail?...



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