Hey Bloggers! Today we have 2 more reviews about to be posted for our games page. Are they games you'll be interested in? Are they games that may help you to pass the time, or give a welcome break from High Profile games that just get on your nerve? Wait and see...
Stay Tuned for more!
Hey bloggers, tonight we'll be posting 2 new reviews, both of novels. One of Stephen King's Hard Crime Novel, Joyland. Also we have Stephen Leather's Spider Shepherd Story : Friendly Fire. Stay tuned for them soon.
As you keen dino-fans may or may not be aware, this month, June 2013 sees the 20th Anniversary of the release of Jurassic Park in the cinema. Not only was it a Best selling novel by the late Michael Crichton, but it was at the time, the highest grossing Movie of all time too. 20 years ago marked a very special time in our childhood, and with that, we thought it only right that we celebrate this awesome story of Prehistoric carnage, by offering up some reviews and discussions... soooo .... Throughout the course of the next few days we will be posting reviews on "Jurassic Park - by Michael Crichton", "Jurassic Park, as directed by Steven Spielberg", and also posting a blog on the memories of a boyhood with Dinosaurs. Stay tuned folks, and feel free to comment on your favourite memories of this epic tale, or is that tail?...
After a day of reading short stories, some shorter than others, we have decided that from our 5 that made a review on our Books page of BlogDangerous:
Yaritza Garcia - The Girl With the Pink Converse Shoes
Darren Shan - Hagurosan
Sukina Campos - The Three Little Pigs With A Twist
Stephen Leather - Cat's Eyes
Justin McLachlan - Kurt Thought Patterns, A Short Story
: Our Short Story Award goes to....
Well done that man!
We fully enjoyed our day of reading and can't wait until the next Award Day, whichever category it may be.
Thanks for tuning in.
Hey Bloggers, we've decided to have a short story day today at BlogDangerous, so look out for more reviews over on our books page within the next few hours! Do you have a favourite short story, why not tell us about it?
Until then why don't you help us decide which of the short stories we review, you like better, making it the first EVER Short Story Award Day in BlogDangerous history?
Keep your eyes peeled here... Thanks
Today sees the return of our favourite musical robots, Daft Punk, with the release of their new album, "Random Access Memories". We've already listened to it 5 times over, and are currently going for run through 6. What do you think of it? Have you listened to it? Let us know your opinions here, @Blog_Dangerous
Happy Star Wars day everyone! We shall be celebrating this iconic day in filming with a rundown at home of all 6 (so far) episodes of Star Wars double Trilogy. Will you venture into the dark side? Or are the Star Wars movies, and the franchise over done now? Give us your thoughts?
Hey guys, just wondering...? With the massive success of Survival Horror games like, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Dead Space, are we looking for something different, do they have it covered already?
Why not look at AMY? The 2012 release for XBLive and PSN has in fairness been out for some time now, but do the critics have their views messed up, or are they justified? We decided to do some investigating of our own to see what it's all about... take a look here, courteousy of BlogDangerous https://cms.blog-dangerous.webnode.com/news/vector-cells-amy/
Hey guys, We want to know your thoughts! Any feedback or input into any of our reviews? Do you agree with what we are saying, or do you find that our reviews are totally nonsensical? The views we have are entirely our own, so freedom of speech and all...
Right now however we are more keen to find out YOUR views on Coldplay's "Mylo Xyloto" Comic, on iStore https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/mylo-xyloto-1-color-is-crime/id633980936?mt=11 of which issue #1 is FREE. Does it remind you of any other comics, or books, or even movies that you seen or read? Do the thoughts of our reviewers echo others, or coincide with your own thoughts?
...simply, tell us
Hey guys!
Bored? Looking for something to pass the time away? Log onto the iStore today and download episode No.1 of the Comic by Coldplay & Mark Osborne, entitled "Mylo Xyloto" for FREE. If you fancy downloading anymore afterwards they are priced at £1.49 per episode. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/mylo-xyloto-1-color-is-crime/id633980936?mt=11
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